Monday, November 1, 2010

Some Reasons I Don't Drink (Alcohol)

So, I've been lying in bed for at least ten minutes now, just TRYING to fall asleep. I am tired, but, of course, my brain won't shut up. Usually, I'm able to ignore most things, but there are just too many things going on in that small area. A few of the things, I can't write about. They're too personal and more about annoying emotions, and I don't even like talking about them. This one thing, though... it just has me really, really frustrated. Which, I guess, could go under an "annoying" emotion, but it's easier to avoid*.

See, today, I had a really good friend try to convince me that I should give drinking (yes, alcohol) a shot. Yes. I am twenty and have not had any alcohol. It's not because I haven't been given the chance, nor do I find it to be wrong morally speaking, but it's just something I have considered wrong for me. This friend, however, has been working on trying to get me to try it for the past year. And, so, of course, I vented a little to another friend, who also tried to convince me to try it.

Because I am so, incredibly sick of having to always explain all of these reasons multiple times to people, I decided I should just blog it.** If they feel the need to try to talk me into it, I can just link this to them. It'll save everyone some time. Mostly my time, though.

Okay. Here we go.

Reasons I Do Not Drink:

1. It is still, technically, illegal for me to do so. Do I agree with this law? No, not really. I do think the drinking age should be lower. But, it's not. Even though I don't agree with the law, I'm not going to risk getting caught and in trouble for a couple hours of what some claim to be "fun."

2. I just don't feel like it? I know. Sounds obvious. But people Just. Don't. Get. It. This tends to be one of the first reasons I give for not drinking, and they're always in shock or something. I don't know. I don't get their reactions, but that's how it is. The way I see it, if you don't want to do something, and it's not essential to your current well-being or future, then why do it? I don't like going to school, but I go, because I am almost required to have a college education to get a job in most things I like. However, I don't like the idea of skydiving, and it's not essential to my future, so I'm not going to do it. For me, personally, drinking is like skydiving. I don't want to do it, I don't need to do it, so I don't do it. Simple as that.

3. I can "have fun" without it. Once again, another argument people come up with is "You'll have more fun if you drink!" Uhhh... I don't think so. I actually rather enjoy watching all of you "be silly" while I'm sober. I mean, it's cool that you're acting stupid; I have no problem with it. I'm just happy I'll be able to remember all of it the next day and tell you all of it. Wouldn't you miss having someone tell you all the silly things you said or did? Yeah. That's what I'm there for. I consider myself one who is perfectly capable of having fun without the assistance of alcohol. If you're not, drink on up. I don't give a flying magical fridge.

4. I know my body. One thing a lot of people don't know about me is that I get "addicted" to things really, really easily, and I am one who does things out of habit (another part of the "addiction," I think). I consider it part of who I am. I'm not ashamed of it. For example, the vegetarian place here has really good food, but the beginning of this year, I found myself in the habit of constantly getting the hummus platter (with garlic and red pepper hummus) and a fruit salad. Every. Single. Day. It's not that it's that amazing; I just fell into the habit of getting it. The habit, I think, is part of the addiction for me. I also can't stop eating sugar and pop. Addicted. I know it's not exactly the definition of addicted, but, considering the fact that it takes more power than it should for me to not buy cookies and chocolate everyday, I consider it to be one of my addictions. Since alcohol isn't exactly on the health list (in many cases), I think it would be bad for me to risk forming any kind of addiction to it. Just thinking.

5. I like having complete control of my actions. I'm not a control freak. I'm really not. I usually am cool with just "going with the flow." When it comes to my personal actions, however, I like knowing that I made all my own choices and that they weren't influenced by anything I drank. Simple as that.

6. I don't do things just because "everyone else" is doing it. This is possibly one of the most popular arguments I get for this topic. "You should do it because other people at the party are (so it'll be more fun... goes alone with #2)." -sigh- Okay. I, obviously, am not one who does things because "everyone else" does it. Need examples?
1) I don't eat meat. Being a vegetarian is not the "norm" in this society. Most people eat meat. It's pretty much part of how our society has adapted. When I decided to become a vegetarian, I only knew one other person who was like me. Now, I know only four.
2) I'm an atheist. The "norm" in the U.S. society is to believe in some kind of higher power, especially the monotheistic god. Obviously, I don't let my religious views get decided on by what "everyone else" is doing. Most of my friends are also Christians. And my family, too. (In fact, my family is full of a lot of really devout Catholics... just sayin'.)
3) I did choir throughout school years instead of sports. I don't know about your town, but in my town, everyone paid attention to the sports. That was the "norm" there. A good chunk of the school some how managed to participate in a sport. Not only was it a norm in my school, but it was what most of my mom's side of the family does/did. I did not let the acceptance of my extracurricular activities be determined by what was normal in my school and family.
Now, looking at this list, these are three things that kind of make up a big part of who I am. Drinking is such a small activity (but is made a big deal by my peers and society). If I didn't let society or those closest to me decide on these huge parts of who I am, then why would I let what "everyone" at the party is doing make me decide whether or not I'm going to do something? Besides, doing something because "everyone else" is doing it is just... well, it's kind of stupid. Unless it's going to save your life or someone else's life, deciding to do something because it's expected of you by those around you means you're not thinking for yourself. That's where and when I lose respect for you. (Just being honest.)

Now, I want to emphasise, once again, that I do not think there is anything wrong (morally speaking) with drinking; it's just not right for me. I think a lot of people think I'm trying to be "mightier" than they are in terms of my morals. I'm really, truly, honestly not trying to be or seem like it. I'm perfectly fine with being at parties with drinking and watching my friends drink. I don't try to talk them out of it (just ask them), nor do I stop them cold in their tracks (unless I think they've already had too many and are at risk of actually harming themselves). I really don't care.

Okay. I think I'm done ranting.
Congrats if you got to the end of this. If you want to leave a comment, as always, feel free to do so. I wrote this so I didn't have to explain myself so much anymore.

Okay. Now that I have that off my chest and it's 3:00 A.M., I think I can get some sleep.

Good night!
And I lurve you all!

Chelsea :)

*Just have to avoid people. Ha. Ha. Ha.
** Plus, it might help me sleep. I hope. Grrr. -yawns-

Friday, October 8, 2010

My "Poems" (For You to Make Fun... HAVE FUN!)

-deep breath-


So, I mentioned something on Twitter about getting back "poems" for my Creative Writing class today, and, though I don't understand why, some of you seemed interested in reading them?

I went back and forth between whether or not I should share them, but, in the end, I figured it would help my grade. "How could it help your grade to embarrass the hell out of yourself, Chelsea?" Well, Imaginary Person in my Head, I could just ask everyone who reads these sorry excuses for poetry to completely tear them apart. I'm not talking, "Ohhhh, this is great, but you should do this..." I'm talking about, "Wow. Okay. First thing you need to do... Get rid of this shit."

Yes. Just like that.

So, if you're reading this, don't hesitate to take me down. Both of these are, pretty much, my first drafts. Very little, if any, revision went into either one. Also... I NEED the harsh, bringing-me-down criticism. I want (and need) to do well in the class, and I feel like I'm not learning anything from the teacher, so I need YOU to help me figure out what is "good" and what is "bad."

By the way, my teacher doesn't seem to like poems with rhyming throughout the whole thing, so don't worry about that. Haha. She basically told me to scrap my one rhyming poem (which I'm not showing, because I have another plan for it since she wanted me to try something else with it...), but the other pieces were okay-ish (if some revisions were in the future).

Okay. Now, go crazy with your imaginary red pens of death and kill these pieces of shit so they may rise from the dead and become something like a weird-looking-smelling-tasting flower.

Much love and many thanks,

Laying in a murky stream.
Eyes propped out.
Smiling. Waiting.
“Don’t be afraid.
Take a chance,”
He growls,
Sweetly. Smoothly.
“If it hurts,
The leap and pain were worth it,”
He encourages,
Kindly. Hopefully.
I take a leap
Into the murky stream,
Where Crocodile waits,
Patiently. Hungrily.
The next thing I know,
I am being pulled under,
Smiling. Grinning.
Gasping. Crying.

Little One
Forever submerged
In your transparent coffin of life
Where breaths of life are dissolved,
You move around restless,
In amazement of everything,
Whether they be grand or dull.

The sounds of music
And the motion of my fingers
Always get your heart throbbing,
One means entertainment,
The other, food,
But both mean company.

I know it gets lonely for you,
Our competing languages forming mountains
Of misunderstanding;
And I know you long for a presence
When everyone leaves,
But, I promise, it’s always only temporary.

Like everything else, though, Little One,
I know our Time Together Clock
Will eventually be shattered and broken.
So, please, excuse the camera in your tiny face,
I wish only to remember you well
When a wind like Winter’s blows out your tiny flame.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Feeling Lame(...r Than Last Year)

Why does sitting on my computer in my dorm alone all night seem so much lamer* this year than it did last year?

No, seriously. Last year, I was perfectly content with sitting in my dorm, doing nothing all weekend while everyone else was out part-ay-ing and getting totally wasted before hooking up with the random creep from the frat par-tay down the street who wants to do nothing but... -nudge, nudge- You know. -wink- This year, though, I feel like I'm actually missing out on everything and, ya know, being a person.

Now, don't get me wrong. I still don't think those are my scenes. Good grief, they're not. Can you imagine me at a frat party? I'd be trying to act like I'm also getting drunk so I don't look like a total outcast while watching uncomfortably as everyone bumps and grinds instead of doing the Macarena and Cha Cha Slide. And then I'd slowly back myself up into a corner to rock back and forth while dialing the number to get a taxi.

Yeah. That's exactly how it'd go.

Oh. I forgot there would be some weed in there somewhere. So, I'd have to look like a mix of drunk and high?

Yeah. Obviously, I've never been to one of those, but that's how the parties all look in the movies, and we KNOW how factual movies are, right? Right.

I don't know. I know I'm not the only person in this dorm building who is sitting at home talking to friends from back home and/or Internet friends from around the world every weekend night, but I feel like I'm just weird for not wanting to go out and do that stuff.


Maybe I'll just make myself into even more of a geek and turn on some documentaries and learn this weekend. At least my time would be used effectively, right?

Anyways, I just thought I'd blurb on that, because my level of boredom exceeded the amount that would allow me to continue to just sit here and stare at my screen.

I hope you guys all have a much more interesting night than I will be having, and I will see you on Twitter**.


*Or is it "more lame"? Whatever. My ability to be grammatically correct all the time is slowly drifting from me.

**I apologize in advance for the abundance of tweets I will be sending out this weekend. My boredom causes you to be annoyed. It's like a new Law of Science. Right up there with all of Newton's.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Dear Chilis...

Dear Chilis (restaurant),

These are NOT $6.00 nachos! Hell, these should not even be considered nachos!

Now, these, on the other hand... THESE are nachos!

Please learn a lesson from these fine, fine people, and serve what you are advertising to keep me from wasting my hard-earned money again and being beyond disappointed.

Thank you,


Thursday, August 26, 2010

Social Stress

In about a week and a half, I will be entering my second year of college.

As I watch my move-in day get closer and closer, I feel my emotions jumping from one extreme to another a gagillion times a day.

I know it shouldn't be a big deal, because I already made it through my first year, right? There are so many differences between last year and this year, though.

Possibly the biggest difference is I don't know the people I'm going to be living with this year. Last year, I had it fairly easy. I got to live with one of my best friends, and I knew she would basically be right there if I needed anything. This year, though, I am going to be living with three complete strangers. I've already talked to one of them a bit, and she's kind of like me. At least in the music taste area, which is kind of big, because it's one of the easiest ways to connect with me. And we have a similar kind of humor, it seems. The one who is my actual roommate likes Harry Potter, so, I mean, that's kind of like an automatic win, right? And I haven't really talked to the fourth one; I can tell she's going to be the super organized one, though, from the message thread the four of us have going. (And, of course, they all seem like they are very kind people, too.)

Despite knowing these things, I am beyond terrified.

For those of you who either don't know or haven't picked up on it, I am incredibly awkward and, worst of all, shy. Being just awkward is pretty well accepted these days, it seems, so it wouldn't be so bad if I was just awkward. Take Michael Cera, for example. He has basically made his career out of being the "awkward dork." Maybe he's shy, too, but he hides it well enough to get by in the industry.

But I cannot tame my shyness.

It's one of my most annoying and hurtful flaws, I think. It causes me to be "wrong" socially. I say the wrong things frequently (especially when I try to be funny). I don't open up very easily. I observe what is going on around me for a long while before getting too comfortable instead of participating right away. And I just don't talk a whole lot. It keeps me from making friends, and it is something I am constantly working on.

In many ways, I fear that meeting and living with three new people will cause me more stress than I am used to. Family gatherings stress me out, and those are people that I have known my whole life. How am I supposed to handle meeting and living with three brand new people? I can handle school work stress pretty well. I can handle money stress pretty well. I can handle time managing (or lack of) stress pretty well. Handling social stress, on the other hand, causes me to do the opposite of what I would do for the other stressful situations. Instead of acting to fix the problem, I avoid it more and more. Or I make a royal mess of things when I do finally act.

Some of you may be wondering how I deal with my job, where I have to interact with random people all day long. I really don't know how I do it. It could have to do with the fact that they don't expect me to connect with them on a personal level or chitchat with them too much. I am able to keep myself at a distance. Once people expect me to get close to them and be all buddy-buddy, though, I freeze up a little. I either don't respond or I say incredibly dumb, out-there things.

Having the Internet and interacting with people that way has helped me a little bit with my social skills, but only the tiniest bit. The difference between the Internet and Real Life, though, is people expect, well, demand immediate responses from you when you're conversing in person. The Internet allows you to take a moment to think of something, because you can blame it on having to do something else for a bit. In Real Life, if you wait to say something, you look... stupid.

I don't know. Maybe I'm over thinking the whole thing like I normally do. Sometimes writing everything out in the open helps me, though.

If you have any comments, feel free to say something, as always. Advice on how to deal with this kind of stress or where to read up on it would be wonderful, too. Or hearing your own stories. Or hearing what ever you wish to say. Or hearing recommendations for other topics. Or hearing nothing. Whatever floats yo' boat.

Have a great whatever it currently is for you.


P.S. In regards to the last post about the tattoo, I'm still undecided about the whole thing, but you all did give me some more to think about, so it will be a little while longer until I get one. Until then, I will be settling on fake ones. Or ones drawn by my younger sister. Thanks for all your input and advice. :)

Thursday, August 19, 2010

I Needz To Pick Your Brainz!

Hey, everyone!

So, I have a very specific purpose for this "entry." (Ooh! I know! How shocking!) In fact, it's so specific, that I don't really need to write much.

See, I am nearing my twentieth birthday (less than two months). This means the end of my teen years! I'm not really nervous or excited or anything, but I want to do something kind of big-ish for the heck of it.

Now, this is where YOU come in!

Lately, I have been wanting to get a tattoo. I was wondering if you guys had any suggestions, tips, etc. for someone who is new to this whole thing. My mom and stepdad have tattoos, but I want to hear what others have to say about it, too.

Also, if you have any other ideas for a big-ish horrah kind of thing (THAT ARE COMPLETELY LEGAL!), I would love to hear them.

So... SPILL! What do you think?! (Or don't spill if you don't want to. Whatevs.)

Thanks for any input.

Chelsea :)

P.S. As of right now, I am thinking of getting a tattoo of a claddagh in the wrist-forearm area on my left. I think something like that is a piece of art I wouldn't regret down the line. There are just problelms with a claddagh, because, according to some research I have done and from what my mom has told me, the way it faces can represent your "relationship status," so I'm hesitant to get it on my left arm facing out (it could mean I'm engaged... and/or make me look like I know nothing about the symbol or its history). So, if you have any ideas regarding that, then awesome. If not, that's awesome, too.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

-gasp!- Religion

Hey, Reader!

First, let me give (actually honest) excuses for why I have not written on here in a while, in case anyone actually gives a flying Fig Newton. First, I was tired and working. Second, I was in Ohio for a few days to visit friends, so my time was being taken up by them. And more being tired, because we stayed up rather late and I felt weird sleeping in too late. Third, I was being selfish and absorbed in my own feelings about something that was going on that had me all confused and... -deep breath- That's for another blog. It actually fits with one of those blog topic things that I haven't been keeping up with very well. So, I guess you'll know in a little while. Of course, by then, I'll probably be a little more calm about the whole thing, so you'll get the completely G-rated version, rather than PG or PG-13. You're welcome.

Anyways, I'm back. At least for tonight, because I had the past two days off today and got to sleep in a few more hours. Hooray! I'm also back because this topic was requested by someone on Twitter. I tweeted the other night that I would be going to a Methodist church, which I had never before attended. Apparently, my views on religion interest at least one person (which I find to be awesome!), and he asked that I blog about my experience at the church service. And I cannot say, "No," to something very few will read! Especially when I just get to ramble.

Right, so, on about the church service.

First, I think I should give you a background about my religion. Which I'm actually kind of hesitant to do. I mean, I think I've mentioned a couple of things on Twitter before, but this is a BLOG. Makes that stuff official. But, for the sake of honesty and understanding, I will indulge you with my religious background.

I grew up in the Roman Catholic Church. I had all my beginning sacraments there (Baptism, Reconciliation, Communion, and Confirmation), I knew the routine, I went to the Catechism (C.C.D./Religious Education) classes, etc. Despite doing all of this, I was never a super, duper strict Catholic. For example, I didn't believe fully in Creationism, but rather a mix of that and Evolution (God created the Earth and helped Evolution move along). I also didn't really believe in much of a Hell, especially as the years went on. It became more of a belief in little punishment after death if you were unkind to others during your life on Earth, but that was it. I didn't believe that God would send His children He made to be so far from Him for eternity. I may not have held the same beliefs as other Catholics in those areas, but I did believe in God, Jesus, Mary, the Eucharist, etc.

Then, back in October, I started having discussions with someone about religion. He was/is an atheist (I think?) who seemed to have a particular grudge against the Catholic Church. At this time, I had just started college, and I had joined the choir and college group at the Catholic student parish that was right across from the campus. I had never been more involved in the church before, so it was new, and I was learning more and more while trying to improve my faith. The more this person and I discussed things, though, the more I came to realize that I didn't really fully understand what I believed, but, rather, I believed it because that was what I was comfortable with and basically all I "knew." Then, mid to late December, this person mentioned something about fate and (something like) predestination that really made me think. This led to other questions and ideas. It was at that moment that I lost my Christian faith almost completely. I still had held some hope that it might return, because, really, it had to have been the scariest thing I had gone through. I mean, I adapt to change fairly well, but this kind of change was way different than any other change, and I had not expected it at all. It just kind of jumped out of nowhere. I continued to talk to people and do some reading, and, as the months went on, I moved farther and farther away from religion. Now, I guess you could say that I have almost joined my friend who sort of initiated this change in terms of beliefs... except I don't hold a grudge against Catholics, because, well, that's basically my whole family. Haha.

And that, my reader(s), is sort of my history of my religion. I mean, there are finer and more details, obviously, and you can feel free to ask me whenever (though, I can't promise I'll have a very good answer, because I'm still figuring out things), but it's the basics. Hopefully, it'll help you understand what I observed at this service?

Oh, before I forget, (and just so I can throw this in wherever and have it almost work) I also have attended a sort of service at an Independent Fundamentalist Baptist Church (what a name!). See, my "friend" had a New Year's Eve "party" there with her church, and I was invited. I was hesitant to go, but, being the kind of person I am, I wanted to see another church and spend some time with friends. It had also been the first New Year's Eve thing I had been invited to, so I felt almost obligated to say, "Yes." It was an interesting experience, and that is putting it kindly. Now, the people were very kind, and most of them were Mexican, so they had really delicious homemade Mexican food, but I still felt rather uncomfortable. At the end of their service, they did something I was not familiar with, and since I just stood there, along with two or three other people, one person came over and, among other questions, asked if I was going to Heaven. Of course, I said, "Yes." I didn't have a reason, but it was assumed, because, well, I had never done anything horrible to anyone, and I was, like them, a Christian. This did not please the person completely, so they tried to "save" me, even though I had told my friend, who was just watching nearby, more than once, that I did not believe in being "saved." I am, obviously, not trying to hide that I am still upset about this, because it was terribly embarrassing and nerve-wracking. Now, I do not blame the people or the church, and I don't want it to seem like I dislike those people, because, like I said, they were very kind (and they provided me with amazing food). I just wanted to make that clear.

This story could also explain my being scared to try other religious places or practices for a while, but, rather, just sticking with what I was comfortable with. It's not that I always avoided thinking about finding the truth, but that I was scared of having to return to a place of uncertainty like that again. Obviously, I still did go on a journey, and it ended up leading me to a completely different place, but, really, I'm kind of happy with where I am now "religion"- wise. I still try to keep an open mind and find answers, but I do think about some things very differently than I did before, and I like it.

Oh, and about visiting the Methodist church. Well, after the service, I talked to my younger sister (who was the only reason I was there), and she said that that's not really like their typical service. She said it is normally pretty close to a Catholic service, but without as much sitting and standing and no kneeling, and Communion is only once a month instead of everyday. A difference that I observed there, though, actually made me chuckle a little. As they were collecting the donations from people, I saw that pretty much everyone chipped in some money. Now, I don't know about other Catholic churches, but when I watched at mine, few people actually put any money in. I don't know if I quite understand why this difference has happened, but I would like to find out. I felt kind of awkward and out of place at that moment, because I hadn't expected to donate any money, so I didn't. I just had to kind of give a weird grin like, "Yeah, I'm an outsider," to the person taking around the collection plate. But, as my Anthropology professor would say, you are going to make many mistakes when you go to observe in a different place; you just have to learn to laugh at yourself in those moments. So, it's all good. Let's see. What else about my visit? Well, other than that moment, I was actually kind of comfortable there. No one really took notice of me, and, even after they did, they just noted that I was Anne's sister. So, really, it wasn't bad at all.

Wow. This is a really bad observation of the church service, but I really don't know what to say about it. I mean, it felt like I was at church. I guess I would have to attend a "real" service one of these days to actually see what it's like. Maybe I will one Sunday when I have the day off. That could become my new hobby! Religious Places hopping! Could learn a heck of a lot from people and places.

Gah. I need a life. And I need to shut up before I bore you to death too much.

So, if you have any questions or ideas about blogs, I guess just let me know, and I can try to write about it. Hopefully, it'll be better than this. And my apologies go out to Bryce for this horrific "observation." It probably would have helped with a service that wasn't pretty much all about the trip that nineteen kids and eight adults went on. Haha.

And, with that, I bid everyone a good night. :)


Today's Food: Well, today, I had a veggie burger from Morning Star. That was good, but I don't think it's really worth mentioning a whole lot about. Haha. I did go out for a Mexican lunch with Lizz on Monday, though, and I had an amazing meal. This is actually from the time before when I ate it, but it was the same meal, because I love it. A lot. It's even my phone's wallpaper. Don't judge!

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Day 7 — Your Ex-boyfriend/girlfriend/love/crush

Good Saturday Night, Reader!

I hope you all have been enjoying your Independence Day weekend if you're from the United States. If you're not, well, I hope your weekend is going well.

Today was filled with working. My boss thought it was going to be a super busy day, but it was VERY slow for the majority of the time. Blech. That does mean, however, that I was able to get paid for doing little. WIN!

Anyways, tonight's theme is supposed to be my ex. Well, sorry to disappoint any juicy gossip seekers, but I don't have an ex-boyfriend, and I have never been in love. I HAVE had a few crushes in my day, though. Well, really, more than a few. I used to be quite "boy-crazy" when I was younger. -eye roll- So pathetic. I guess I could give you a sort of list starting from when I can remember. BUT I need to just give first initials, because most of these people have access to this because they're "friends" with me on Facebook, aaaaand some of them are slightly embarrassing. Haha.

1. 1st/2nd grade: Name started with a "T." He gave me a tiny apple eraser. I believe I still have it in an old photo album thing. To me, that tiny eraser meant a lot. I don't think I ever saw him again after that year.

2. 3rd grade: Name started with an "A." He was cute, smart, and played soccer. What more could I ask for? I think he went on to be one of the better soccer players at my school. Along with continuing to be rather good-looking.

3. (Short time in) 4th grade: "A" from 3rd grade and a new kid whose name started with a "C." I think "A" and "C" were possibly related somehow? Unless I totally made that up in my mind, which is never out of the question, because I made up a few stories for myself when I was younger. "C" also had the cute and smart thing going on, PLUS he wanted to play football. He went on to be one of the better football players in my class at my school (REALLY not saying much, though).

4. (Majority of) 4th grade and beginning part of 5th grade: His name started with a "G." He had the funny thing going on (seriously, this kid was hilarious) and the cool, spiked, frosted tip hair thing (YOU know what I'm talking about!). Plus, he and I were friends in 1st/2nd grade. We rode the bus together, I pushed him down the slide once (then I got put on The Wall*). We had great times. I ended up matching him up with one of my friends, though, because I thought they would be better together (this was 4th grade, people, keep that in mind). Gosh, I was awkward. We ended up not really talking again until my Junior year of high school, but even that wasn't talking. It was one conversation. In Chemistry. About squirrels vs. video games. Please, don't ask. I'm not sure what he's doing now. I know he's more hardc0re, so the spiked frosted hair thing is gone, but Facebook doesn't reveal any more than that little bit.

5. 5th grade until (good grief) 8th grade: His name started with an "R." Gosh, I really don't know why I liked this guy this long, but I did. I think it's due to the SERIOUS lack of good guys in G.B. He was one of the class clowns, and he continued to be so until, well, I'm sure he still is cracking the jokes at UofM. He was smart, funny, and did the sports thing, quite similar to some other guys from before. (I, obviously, had a type for a while.) I think he tried football for the school for a while, but ended up going with swimming. Maybe? I'm not sure. I didn't really keep up with him much after I lost interest. I do know that he became one of the more popular guys in my class, though.

6. 9th until 10th grade: His name started with a "T." Nope. Not the guy from 1st/2nd grade. I actually had the pleasure of working with this guy as a lab partner for the first semester of I.P.S. in 9th grade. To this day, if I saw him, I bet you anything the butterflies would return. He is quite the heartthrob. And I'm not afraid to admit it. He's tall, a swimmer, hilarious, smart, and played (or plays, I dunno) in a band. I'm not sure where he is now. I never requested to be friends with him on Facebook (I didn't get a Facebook until after 10th grade, and was, and still am, too scared to add him). But I think he ended up getting a scholarship of some sort for swimming somewhere. That was last I heard, at least, and that was in 11th grade? I'm sure he's doing well, though.
7. 11th until 12th grade: His name started with "B." He is actually the most difficult for me to talk about, and I kind of feel like shying away from this one more than all the others combined. Of all of the guys I liked, I think he was the only one who actually "liked" me back, so he was also the only one I was ever really close to being more than friends with. Actually, he's probably, in some ways, my first "REAL" crush. I mean, the other ones were the weird, creepy, awkward schoolgirl crushes of admiring from somewhat far away. He actually knew, though. Things never really worked out for us for various reasons. Half of it probably had to do something with the fact that he is the brother of one of my best friends. I know, I know. Kind of a big "NO" on that one. But there were other things, too. We still talk now and then, so we didn't totally cut the lines of communication when we realized a Relationship wasn't going to happen. As to what he is currently up to? Last time we talked, he was still in school in Ohio studying to go into massage therapy while working at Walmart. So, he's doing pretty well.

And that, Reader, is a list of all the more major crushes I can recall. I'm sorry to disappoint, once again.. Maybe one day something actually exciting will happen. -gasp- Believe me, it will be front page news of, well, my blog. Or my Twitter, of course!
I hope you have better luck than I have with your crushes/loves in the following time. And I hope you have a great night, 'cause I need to get to bed so I won't be a complete grouch for breakfast with my grandma tomorrow.


Today's Food: Work did not keep me from good food today! Hurray! I started off with eggs with cheese covered with ketchup (yes, I put ketchup on my eggs, shush), all on top of toast. I hate to toot my own horn, but I make pretty delicious eggs. I also had some of those peanut butter bar things again. Finally, my sisters were AWESOME and brought these up to work for me:

On the top is a completely vegetarian homemade pizza with feta cheese, squash, some other yummy...things. Oh my gosh, guys, it was AMAZING. And the perfect timing, too. I was hun-gry! Then, on the right, you see a cupcake. The frosting was the best part, as it should be. Nice and sugary. Yumm!

* The Wall was the place students were sent to if they misbehaved at all during recess. The level of embarrassment was through the roof if you were seen leaning on The Wall. You could be sent there for something as simple as running on the blacktop or woodchips (yes, those were against the school rules) or pushing someone down the slide, causing him/her to bump his/her head, even if it was definitely not supposed to be a mean push, but the playful push like before. Yeah, it's still eating me up a little after ten years.

Friday, July 2, 2010

Day 6: A Stranger?

Hello, Reader! Look! Two days in a row! (Don't worry. The consistent blogging won't last long. Just not the kind of gal I am.)

Anyways, today's blog is supposed to be about a stranger? Well, I mean, I guess the REAL project is to write letters, but I didn't like that, so I just changed it to being about the topic. That's just in case you didn't notice. -cough- Sorry. I'm a little tired again, and I didn't write a semi-draft like I usually do when I work and plan on writing a blog, so my mind is all scattered. It doesn't help that this * was going on in the tab next door to this particular draft. So, you know, my mind is ALL over the place.

Anyways, a stranger? Well, my mom said to never talk to strangers, but my job does mean I have to communicate with them daily, so there are a couple I can talk about, I think.

1. The first stranger is one of my least favorite customers yet. Well, actually, I guess, in a way, he's a favorite, because he gave me this wonderful story that seems to humor so many. So, first, for those of you who don't know, my summer job is at a putt-putt/batting cages/ice cream place. Yupp. I do it all. Superwoman. -shows (no) muscles- For this particular story, though, we're going to concentrate on the batting cages. See, to use the cages, you have to get tokens from a token machine that is in the window of the shack I sit in. Depending on what kind of bill you put into the machine, you get different deals on the number of tokens you receive ($1 gets you 1 token, $5 is 6 tokens, $10 is 13 tokens, and $20 is 28 tokens). Well, some people think you can just put in five one-dollar-bills and still get the six tokens, so I often have to remind customers that this is not possible. So, one day, this man comes, and asks for change to get the $10 deal. I told him that I am out of ten-dollar-bills, but he can put in two five-dollar-bills, and I will just give him an extra token. He looks at me for a second and says, "I don't think this will work." At first, I don't understand why he thinks this won't work, but I let him go ahead and do his thing while I pull out an extra token for him to make sure he gets his deal. He then says, "This isn't working. I knew it wouldn't work." At this point, I am beyond confused, so I look out the window, and I see that he is trying to put in two fives together (one on top of the other, because the machine takes one at a time) to get the ten-dollar deal. Even after I showed him that I was holding the extra token in my hand, it took him a while to register just what was going on. You guys, it took ever little muscle I had to not laugh at him and give him the "Are You REALLY Serious Right Now?" look. He is a stranger who will be impossible to forget, because I don't think I'll have someone try that stunt again. Or, good grief, I hope I don't.

2. The second stranger is a customer I actually really, genuinely liked a lot. She came up to the putt-putt place one afternoon and asked for a gift card of some sort. We really don't have gift cards, but I told her that I could make one up really quickly since only two of us work there. And so it was agreed. As I was making the "card," she was telling me about how she wanted to do this because her college sweetheart was coming into town, and she didn't want him to be able to pay for it. It had been quite a few years (she said she was fifty-six), and they were both divorced and on their first date with each other since college. Now, normally, I really wouldn't find this all that cute or whatever, but just the look of pure excitement and nervous-ness just made my heart leap. It truly was adorable. On top of that, she was just one of the kindest customers I had had with probably the best energy. Having her around for those few minutes just made me feel so much happier. She and her college sweetheart came back that night, and, seriously, they were just great together. They even tied on their putt-putt game! (Or so the man claimed. He may have moved some points around. Heehee.) It had been a rough day, but whenever she came around, it was just like a needle of pure happy energy popped all the bad energy bubbles, and it really made my day. There are some people you don't forget because they were just horrible to you, but I this woman will be difficult to forget because she was just so... wonderful. I really don't know how I would have made it through that day without her, and she kind of made me think about how possible it is to find someone, even if you had been separated for a while. It was just awesome to see.

And I know that's not much, but I do have to return to that job tomorrow for the whole day, and it's supposed to be our busiest weekend. This means more people like Customer One. It is also going on 1:30, so I need to relax with a little TV or something and try to get some sleep.

So, I will...

Wait! I almost forgot! I wanted to start a new "thing" for my blogs! I think everyday I write, I'm going to say what I ate at the very end. Because I love food. And I like talking about what I ate. You can skim over that part if you want, but I wanted to share it. I'm going to try to think of something music-y to do along with that, but I'm not sure yet.

So, now I will be going to bed. Have an awesome day/afternoon/evening/night/LIFE. And thank you for reading. Really. :)


Today's Food: Nothing much, because I was stuck at work. I started off with a bowl of Honey Bunches of Oats. Then I had some Reese's Peanut Butter Cups and Yoohoos**. Later was a peanut butter bar thingy. Finally, a VEGGIE CHICKEN PATTY FROM MORNING STAR with BBQ sauce. Gosh, I love those. Oh, add in a few Coke Zeros, too. Shush. I know I'm not healthy. (This section will, hopefully, be better on some days when I actually do something.)

*Sorry if it's blurry or difficult to read. I was having problems with it. =/

**My wacky sisters brought me this bag full of stuff for my something-something-something birthday, which included the Reese's and Yoohoos. -shrug- I'm not complaining.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

(Kinda) Day 5: Dreams

Hi, again, Reader.

I know, I know. It's been a rather long time since my last blog post. Especially because I had said I was going to try to post everyday. I fail at this whole committing to a project online thing. And, really, I thought no one was noticing my lack of posts but me, so I was just going to let it go until I was TRULY inspired and had more than enough time to write, but Mr. Spintown asked me about the absence of posts on my Formspring, which showed someone did notice, so that kind of ruined my thought on the whole thing. It's touching, though, knowing that someone actually realized I wasn't writing. So, thanks (I think?).

One of the reasons it took me forever to post was because Anne got out of school recently, so I've had even less time to myself, because she is QUITE the chatter. I've also had little time when I was actually able to think in a straight line of thought. Like always, my mind has been all over the place. I don't know why I was waiting for anything different to write. It's just how I am. -shrug-

Finally, I didn't know what to write for the topic about dreams.

At first glace, I thought about my nightmares, my day dreams, my normal dreams. That kind of stuff. But, really, I rarely remember few of those, and they're hardly worth a whole blog post about them.

Instead, I thought talking about my life's dreams would be more "interesting." Also bordering the city lines of Cornville, but I guess any readers of this blog have already heard me go on about my family and friends, so talking about my life's dreams isn't quite as bad. Still does make me shiver and roll my eyes a little bit, though, to be completely honest. I'll still give it a shot just to humor this slightly ridiculous topic.

Let's see. My Dreams.

1. I dream that I will travel to different countries. On the top of that list of countries to visit is Ireland. My ancestors came from there, so I think I should take a little trip there at least once in my life to see where I came from.

2. I dream that I will make some kind of difference. I really don't care if it's a difference for one person or a bunch of people, but I want to make a positive difference in the world. I want to help improve things. I don't know how I'm going to do that quite yet, but I am using this time in my life to gain the education necessary to do something.

3. I dream that I will finally figure out what I want to do with my life to make a living. Yeah. I think that speaks for itself.

4. I dream that I will find someone to spend my life with. Okay. Shush. I know this is kind of stupid and lame, but, hey, I'm just trying to be honest with y'all. I sometimes get slightly nervous that I won't be able to find anyone. But am I going to let it consume my thoughts like a hungry beast until I do finally find someone? Nah. I'm not looking for any kind of sympathy with this number. In fact, I want this to never be spoken of again, if you please. Hopefully, this just shows that I intend to be honest on this blog.

5. I dream that I will improve my musical skills. This, actually, is the dream I've had my whole life, and it's also probably the biggest one on my list. When I was younger, I wanted to be a "Singing Vet." No joke. I wanted to do both. At the same time. Sing the diagnosis of the animal's illness and put on a performance for the client. Eventually, however, the harsh realities of my lack of talent and squeamish stomach set in, so I realized such a career was not possible. I came to terms with this unfortunate truth and decided to just focus on the music part of that dream. True, the talent still lacked, and it still does, but I have been able to continue it successfully as a hobby. I want to keep the hobby and help my skills grow. I have become better at piano and guitar this past year, but I would like to add more instruments to my list, such as drums, bass, and violin. I want to learn more music theory. I want to learn how to actually write music. I want to learn how to record the music properly and work sound. Even though I will never be using any of this knowledge, I want to learn it, because it's just something I think is fun. I will remain realistic in knowing that it will not be my future or my money-maker, but I would like to dream that I can grow in this area of my life.

Aaaand that's basically all, I think. I try to remain realistic with my thoughts and future, so that's why they're not that far out there, but for me, they kind of are. But I think dreams are supposed to be at least a little bit out of reach, which is why you are forced to dream about them. I just happen to fear disappointment more than almost anything*, so I attempt to keep them as close to as in reach as possible.

I do hope that this gave you a little insight into my mind or life? Maybe? If not, that's cool. You (probably) know where to find me. Ask me questions then.


P.S. Some exciting things happened recently or are going to happen, but I didn't want to write a whole blog about them separately and spam you guys. 1) I am FINALLY going to Ohio Monday until Wednesday to see Stephanie after not seeing her for over a year. I am beyond excited for this! 2) My older sister (Liz) is in town for a couple of days, and that is always loads of fun. 3) I had AMAZING Mexican food tonight, and I definitely ate way too much, but I made it worth the money, because Liz was awesome and ended up paying for me. Woot!

*Except maybe needles.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Day 4: Siblings

Well, this blog project thing was supposed to get me into posting everyday for thirty days so I would post more frequently when it was over, buuuut I kinda failed at that already, I guess. In my defense, I was super, duper tired and had to work my brain like mad to even start to talk in real life in a way that made even a stitch of sense. Writing down things in a way that wouldn't leave people exiting out of this tab, scratching their heads was NOT going to happen. BUT I am all rested now (after about twelve hours of sleep last night), so I might be able to make some kind of sense in this entry. I'll give it a shot, at least.

Today's entry is Day Four of the project, which means I get to write about my siblings. This also means it could turn out to be another long piece of writing, because I have four wonderful women to talk about who are lucky enough to be my sisters. Wait. I mean... I'm lucky enough to have them for my sisters. Yeah. I think that's how I'm supposed to say it. I'm going to be honest and say how nervous I am to write this, because, well, I know I won't be able to do them justice when I try to tell you about them and all their wonderfulness. I'm also excited, though, because I get to tell others (and possibly them) some of the things I think about them. So, it's kind of a weird feeling.

Anyways, enough with the ranting about my random feelings. On to talking about the sistahs!

Liz- My Inspiration To Be Successful

First up is my oldest sister, Liz. She also happens to be one of the people I look up to the most in my life, which is, really, how it has always been. Every year, though, I find myself admiring her more or in a different way, because I learn more about who she is or I realize something new that just increases her awesome points. I think the thing that I find myself admiring the most about her is the fact that she just keeps going with everything, even though there have been some major bumps in her life's road. Probably what helps her is her insane brain that holds more knowledge and understanding of things than most other people I have met. Because of her drive to keep going and her mad intelligence, she keeps going back to school to learn more and do more while teaching college courses. And she still kicks major arse in the classes, too. She is incredibly successful in everything she does, which is why I think of her when I feel like quitting. Liz really is my inspiration to be successful.

Tori- My Inspiration To Be Smart
Next is my older stepsister, Tori. Tori and have never really been all that close, but that's not the fault of either one of us. We just never really got to see each other too often. Despite this, though, Tori still has had an impact on my life. Whenever I think of her, I think of one of the memories I have of her. See, it was before her dad and my mom got married, so they were still out in Linden, and we were visiting. I think the rest of us were outside doing something stupid (it was the norm for us, especially Cami and me), but Tori was inside, watching the Leonardo DiCaprio version of Romeo and Juliet... While reading the lines from her book. She may have even complained about the fact that they didn't follow it word for word, which made me laugh. Tori also knows more random facts than a person should know, which I always found to be amazing. Because of this, Tori is my inspiration to be smart.

Cami- My Inspiration To Be Awesome

After Tori is Cami, my younger step sister (who is really only a few months younger than I am). You may remember my little thing about Cami from Day One of the project (June 18, 2010), but I didn't really write much about her. I actually said very, very little. She is kind of...well, she's really difficult to describe. Not because I don't know or like her, but because she is an individual and unspeakably awesome. She's crazy, smart, and herself. She's not afraid to be who she is, which is what makes her so awesome. When we were younger, she cut her hair short, like, "boy short," which is a little out there for third/fourth grade girls. But she totally rocked it, because she liked it, and she had the confidence to not really give a flying rat's arse if anyone else did. On top of this, she has an insane amount of creativity and a great eye for art, which is why she is going to be successful in her career choice: photography. I have always admired Cami for being herself and so insanely awesome, and I still do to this day. Cami truly is my inspiration to be awesome.

Annie- My Inspiration To Be My Best

Finally, there is Annie, my youngest sister. She is four years younger than I am, but she can act both more mature and more child-like than her actual age. On top of this, she is always trying to be the best she can possibly be. She never swears, because she thinks it's very wrong; she always thinks the best about everyone; and she always believes what you say, because she thinks people are just good in general. Although she can be child-like in many ways, Annie is, like all my other sisters, unbelievably inteligent and good at basically everything. We have also been through a lot together. One of the things being our parents divorce, which, of course affected our whole lives. It caused so many different emotions that were not fully understood by such young children, that we were forced to lean mostly on just each other. She even wrote a poem about it for her English class this year. The thing I love and admire the most about Annie, though, is how kind and understanding she is to everyone, no matter what wrong they have done to her in the past. She also works hard and kicks major butt in school. Because of all of this, plus more, Annie is my inspiration to be my best.

I love all my sisters an insane amount, and, as you might be able to see, they basically make up who I am and what I believe. Without them being who they are, pieces of who I am and how I do things would be missing, and I just would not be whole.

Thank you, sisters, for being you. For being amazingly awesome.


Sunday, June 20, 2010

Day 3: Parents

When I saw what the theme of tonight's blog was supposed to be, I kind of chuckled, because I was thinking about postponing tonight's topic to talk about my parents in honor of Father's Day. This could not have worked out any better! :)

Of course, for this entry, I will not just be talking about my dads because of the holiday. I will also be talking about my mom, because she deserves just as much recognition and admiration as my dads.

My mom, Kelly, is one of the hardest working and strongest people I know. She works ten hours a day at an insanely difficult job that is made for someone who is probably my age in a General Motors truck plant building the BIG trucks (like semis). Despite the obvious hardships of the job, my mom does not quit, because she knows that there are others depending on her. This shows a strength in her mind, body, and heart. Her strength was also apparent when Anne* and I were younger and she tried to be as involved as she could while working crazy hours. Being, as Anne's wide-eyed friend from preschool put it so very well, "the biggest mommy I have ever seen**," she was always recognizable. Her "big-ness" wasn't the only recognizable trait, though. She also enjoyed sharing her karaoke machine with the school and would bring it in when requested, showing her support for music, children, and, of course, performances those children would hide from behind a curtain if they were forced to watch them now due to the level of embarrassment. By doing this, I learned the importance of sharing what you can with anyone. I also learned that a karaoke machine can make any young child appear to be cool for at least that day, even if she's the awkward, shy one.

Married to my mom is Rick, my 5'11", motorcylce riding, tattooed step dad of nine years. Despite the fact that he has many of the characteristics of a stereotypical "scary guy" (mostly if the motorcyle is at foot), he is one of the kindest, most fun people I know. In fact, one of the major things he brings to our family is fun, which helps us with "bonding" and staying together. Because of him, we have had the opportunity to travel to different states and even Canada. Along with the fun, Rick brings some awesome stories that not only entertain, but teach lessons. Lessons such as don't leave snakes in your garage with an open top, because they will get out all over, entangle themselves into lawn chairs, and freak out your mother. Or be careful when in a mosh pit, because a strong 5'11" man trying to protect the women he is with can push you, and you can fly across the audience. Important lessons like those. Basically, Rick has made my life more interesting, I guess. I really don't want to think about what life would have been like if he and my mom hadn't gotten married, because I like having him here. ***

Finally, there is Tom, my dad since, well, birth. I can thank (or possibly blame :P) my dad for almost all of who I am. We have very similar personalities (kind of quiet at times, but we can be out going if the time calls for it, or we can at least take some kind of charge). We both do the corny joke thing (I believe him to be the king of such jokes). We both lack the strength in Math and Science (he also took Astronomy and Psychology in college to get out of the other more hardcore science classes for Gen. Ed. requirements), but we do well in English and History (though he is far better at both than I am). My dad is also one of the most intelligent and driven people I know. He graduated from U of M- Ann Arbor (big deal 'round these parts). He ended up going into sales for years, until he decided to go back to school to get his teaching degree. He managed to do this while still caring for Anne and me (with some help from my mom and aunts). I don't think I thought too much about this when it was going on, but looking back, I can say that I know it must have taken a lot of guts to be one of the older people there, learning new teaching styles and technology, while having to keep two (sometimes bickering) daughters quiet. Along with this, my dad is one of the few people who can really make me think during a discussion, and I love that. His mind just amazes sometimes, especially with his understanding and love of literature.

Although my parents all have different strengths and all gave me something different in my life, there are a couple of things they have all done for me. One thing they have all done is influenced my taste in music. When I was little, my mom would always have musicians like Carole King, Al Green, and Elton John playing. Similarly, my dad would often play The Beatles, James Taylor, and Van Morrison. Having these two adults play this kind of music around me almost constantly made me fall in love with not only their music, but music in general. To this day, these are some of my favorite artists to listen to. Heck, Carole King is my favorite songwriter and The Beatles are my favorite band. Although Rick was not present for the first few years of my life, he has been introducing me to new music with a different twist. An example is Liz Phair (her old stuff, not the newer, poppier crap). I had not known of her older albums, and I like how interesting it is.

One of the major things they all share, though, is their non-stop support. From the beginning, they have all supported me, no matter how crazy or pointless it seemed. The most notable support was for my interest in music. It mostly started in sixth grade. First, it was choir, which required money for the extra curricular outfits. Then, it was the guitar I decided I wanted to pick up, also in sixth grade. It was always obvious that music wasn't my absolute calling, because I was never amazing at any of it. But I enjoyed it so much that they continued to dish out the money. Even after the first set of guitar lessons had to end because the instructor left, we found another, who cost even more, but they still paid for it. Then it was the voice lessons (two different teachers for that, too). Of course, the choir involvement went on until I graduated from high school (seven years) and included many extra activities such as Solo & Ensemble, Honors Choir, and even a fine arts camp. Having their support for this area of my life probably impacted me the most for more reasons than I could count or begin to explain.

I was incredibly lucky to be born to the parents I have. Without the strength, love, guts, fun, humor, and intelligence they all show, I do not know how my life would have been, but I love this life and this family.

Mom, Dad, and Rick, if you happen to read this, I love you and want to thank you for everything you have given me. I could not have asked for more from you.

And to any other readers, it's okay that you're jealous. I would be, too. :)


*Anne is my younger sister. She is four years younger than I am.
** My mom is actually not "big." She stands at 5'10" and is in good shape. I just thought I should clear that up. :)
***He also brought me Taco Bell at work today. I don't know what that really has to do with him as a whole or how he has impacted my life, but I just thought it was really cool. And delicious. And I felt like it was worthy of sharing, because, well, it's Taco Bell. :D

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Day 2: Crush... Plus ROAD TRIP!

Well, tonight's blog is supposed to be about/for my crush.

Unfortunately for this entry (and possibly for the reader if they were looking for some kind of juicy information), I do not currently have any "real" crushes to whom I could write a heart-felt letter confessing my undying nineteen-year-old love like a creepy stalker. I know you might be thinking that I'm lying to get out of revealing my true feelings for someone, but I promise you I'm not. I just have not met anyone lately that I feel that way for.

I've been trying to figure out what to write in place of a letter to my crush, and I had some ideas, but, in all honesty, Reader, I am incredibly tired. In fact, I should already be asleep if I want to get in all eight hours of sleep I need to keep from giving customers dirty looks, but I found this more important.

So, instead, since I already revealed the truth about my feelings, I think I should be able to ramble about other things.

First of all, I want to thank Denise for all the awesome she has been saying about me. I feel like I gain a butt load of suh-weetness points whenever she mentions me on Twitter, so being mentioned in her blog last night was beyond coolness. She is one of the most talented, rad, and... Gah! It was just beyond awesome. To have someone I am a fan of say she's a fan of me is just more than I can take. :D

Second of all (and probably last of all, too, due to my level of tired), I wanted to write about yesterday (well, Friday), because it was one of the best days I've had in a a while, and it was really needed. Some of my friends and I decided to go on a mini road trip to Holland, Michigan for the day. The drive was about two hours, and we were all crammed into a truck. But we made it LOADS of fun! Emily made signs for us to hold up to drivers passing us as we waved to them...

I must say that some of the best responses came from the truck drivers. Many of them even pulled he horn thingy. THE best one came from a (male) truck driver who honked while Emily was holding up that third picture ("Honk if you like PENIS!"). Once he realized what he had honked about, he started laughing and pointing at us, all embarrassed. It was awesome. We also passed a car filled with four cute Canadian guys. We all love the Canadians, so it was an exciting car to pass by two or three times "on accident." -cough- :)

After the two hour trip, we finally arrived in Holland and got right to walking around downtown. I can't honestly say it's the most interesting place around, but it is cute and the people are all nice. The restaurant we ate at was okay, but I don't think my three cheese panini thing was worth the $7 (it was one of the cheapest things on the menu). We also stopped in an antique store there, and that was pretty cool. I do love antique stores, though, so that could have just been me.

When we were done walking around Holland, the brilliant idea to go to the beach was brought up, so we headed over to the beach, paid $6.00, and stuck our feet in the amazing water. It felt spectacular to be on a beach again. Although I don't love the whole bathing suit thing (never have, really), I have always loved beaches. The sound, the smell, the feel. It's all so... -sigh- Luckily, I live in Michigan, which is filled with lakes, so it's really not that difficult to get to a beach, it's just finding time.

After the beach, we headed to a cheap ice cream place that actually had really delicious ice cream for insanely fair prices. Definitely would live right in that area just for the cheap ice cream and beach combo. :)

When the ice cream was done, we thought we were going to head home, but we ended up heading to Grand Rapids instead, which happens to be where my older sister lives. We got lost. A lot. But, really, only because the GPS didn't know what it was talking about. And, if you have never driven in Downtown Grand Rapids, then you cannot talk, because it is confusing, especially if you're used to my hometown's traffic. After we finally found our way, I got to see my older sister, my nieces (her puppies), and my nephew (her cat) for a few minutes, which put a giant smile on my face.

Our trip in Grand Rapids was cut incredibly short when the weather took a sharp turn for the worse and a storm started. It followed us most of the way home, but we managed to escape most of the worst parts.

Anyways, that took up more time and space than I thought it would, and I don't think I described the awesomness of the trip quite as well as I wish I could have, but hopefully the pictures help with the understanding a little bit.

I am hoping to be in a better state of mind within the next couple of days to actually be able to write without trying to keep my eyes open and my mind awake.

Thanks for sticking around until the end, Wonderful Reader.

I will be seeing you late again tomorrow after work.


P.S. Sorry it's so choppy and horrible writing. Editing does not sound like a good friend right now. =/

Friday, June 18, 2010

Blog Project Day 1: Best Friend(s)

Today is the first day of my blog project to get me into the swing of even having a blog. It also happens to be a difficult topic for me to start with, because I am lucky enough to have many best friends. I cannot choose just one who deserves to have a letter/blog for them. So, after a little bit of thought, I have decided I am going to write mini letters/blogs for all of my best friends inside one giant letter, because it was the only way I could think of to be kind of organized while still telling them how important they are.

I also give you permission to skip through this entry, because the letters might get a little too Nicholas Sparks sappy for some of you (including myself).

And now, without further ado...

My Dearest and Most Amazing Best Friends,
I know I never tell you how much you mean to me, but that's because words cannot describe how important you are to who I was, am, and will be.
Throughout the years, you have all seen me at my lowest and highest points, but you have never failed to be there for me 100%. At the times I am at my happiest, it is almost always because of you. Even when it's not directly from talking to or seeing you, the chances are great that you gave me the inspiration and drive to help me achieve something that could cause so much happiness. At the times I am at my worst, you always find a way to bring up my spirits, even if just for a moment of relief. Helping with both sides of the spectrum of emotions can take a lot out of people, and it requires a lot of responsibility. I cannot thank you enough for taking on such responsibilities. Without you, who knows what kind of person I would be right now (even if I am not happy, happy, HAPPY all the time :P)?
Individually, I hope you all know what you have done for me. If you don't, well, I'm about to tell six of you. :)

Heather, you have known me since middle school, and you still stuck around with me when you thought I hated you and even later when I "took your solo." Later, you were my college roommate for a whole school year. How you even managed to stick with me all this time, I will never know. There is also the fact that you pushed me in music by challenging me and making me want to improve. Had it not been for you (and your mad skillz which I still cannot beat even when I try my absolute hardest), my level of musicianship would have remained the same all throughout school.
Cami, you have stuck with me since your dad and my mom met up again, started dating, and then got married June of our fourth grade year. How anyone can remain not only a sister, but a fantastic friend of mine for that many years baffles me, but I cannot imagine my life without you in it. Having you all the way in Colorado has been difficult, but the memories we have (some more embarrassing than others) never fail to put a smile on my face, and you still managed to help me through rough times this past year.
Lizz, you are one of the most child-like nineteen-year-olds I have ever met, but that is what I love about you. Having a friend who is still so in touch with her child self keeps me in touch with who I am and what is really important. Not to mention the fact that it makes you even more fun to be around. I know that if I ever want to watch cartoons or classic Disney movies, you are absolutely the person to call. Having someone like you brings light into my life when things appear to be nothing but dark. That is something that I will always need.
Emily, you are one of the most hilarious people I know, because you have such a unique humor. I was going to use "sarcastic" to describe it, but it is so much more than that. It's a mix of sarcasm and (playful) mean-ness that only you appear to be able to pull off. There have been times when it was the only thing successful in lifting up my mood. You also give spectacular advice when I come to you or just need your help. Without you in my life, there would be much less laughter, which means more saddness than should be allowed.
Alexa, you are one of the kindest and most understanding people I know. I have been able to talk to you about many things, and you have listened (and taken my side -high five-), while being understanding. When I was having one of my most difficult times, you were there for me completely, always listening with an open heart and ears. Without having you there for me at that time, who knows what would have happened with those emotions or what place I would be in today? Stephanie, you are an insanely hilarious and kind person. There were never times that I was with you and not enjoying myself. Although it has been about a year since I last saw you, I still frequently think of you and the fun times you, Heather, and I had, and they always make me smile, no matter what. You impacted my humor (made me slightly more sarcastic and more used to sarcasm) and who I am as a person. Without you, my life would have lacked so many important and amazing things.

Best Friends, I love you all dearly, and I cannot imagine my life without any of you. All of you have helped me more times than is necessary, and for that, I will always be in debt to you. Thank you, all of you, for everything you have ever done for me, whether you know it or not. I only hope that I will be able to repay some of my debt to you some day in our lives and show the same kind of love, support, and kindness you have shown me.


Thursday, June 17, 2010

New Blog Project!

So, as you may or may not remember from last night's post, I had not really chosen a direction for this blog yet. And, really, I still haven't, but I came across this randomly tonight through a series of links, and I think it's a wonderful idea! So, I am going to give it a shot. For the next thirty days, I will be posting blogs based on the subject for that day. Some days will be more difficult than others, but I think it's something I should try, because it will get me writing, which will, hopefully, make me a better blogger.
-shrug- We'll see.

Here is the list for the thirty days:

30 days of letters.

Day 1 — Your Best Friend

Day 2 — Your Crush

Day 3 — Your parents

Day 4 —Your sibling (or closest relative)

Day 5 — Your dreams

Day 6 — A stranger

Day 7 — Your Ex-boyfriend/girlfriend/love/crush

Day 8 — Your favorite Internet friend

Day 9 — Someone you wish you could meet

Day 10 — Someone you don’t talk to as much as you’d like to

Day 11 — A Deceased person you wish you could talk to

Day 12 — The person you hate most/caused you a lot of pain

Day 13 — Someone you wish could forgive you

Day 14 — Someone you’ve drifted away from

Day 15 — The person you miss the most

Day 16 — Someone that’s not in your state/country

Day 17 — Someone from your childhood

Day 18 — The person that you wish you could be

Day 19 — Someone that pesters your mind—good or bad

Day 20 — The one that broke your heart the hardest

Day 21 — Someone you judged by their first impression

Day 22 — Someone you want to give a second chance to

Day 23 — The last person you kissed

Day 24 — The person that gave you your favorite memory

Day 25 — The person you know that is going through the worst of times

Day 26 — The last person you made a pinky promise to

Day 27 — The friendliest person you knew for only one day

Day 28 — Someone that changed your life

Day 29 — The person that you want tell everything to, but too afraid to

Day 30 — Your reflection in the mirror

So. Yeeupp.

I was going to try to start tonight, but I'm really not in the best of moods, so my guess is writing a letter to my best friend(s) is not the best idea tonight. Haha. I will start this little project tomorrow night.

I will write to you later, Ahhh-mazing Reader. :)


P.S. I might still throw some of my "rants" in some of these blogs after the letters, because I won't have much to really say on some of the days. This whole thing is still in its beginning stages of trying to figure out what it's all about. Just hang in there with me, please.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010


This is going to be a sort of introduction entry.

I know that was an uberly lame introduction, and all my teachers would have marked this with an automatic "F" just for saying that, but at least any reader of this "blog" won't be disappointed if any lame-ness follows.

So, you see? I sort of had a plan.

Now that you have a taste of what kind of writing style you might be able to expect, I guess you might also like to know what you could expect on this page. I should probably know, too. But I don't really. Sure, I have a few ideas written out, but they're more things that I just want to rant about than anything that might actually be interesting to anyone. I live a rather dull life, in all honesty, which you also know if you follow me on Twitter or know me at all. My job gives me more than enough time to think, though, so ideas about things that annoy me come to mind frequently. I guess you could be expecting some rants, then. I might throw in a few personal things here and there. Who really knows?

Finally, a few things about me for those of you who don't know me but some how managed to find this blog-like thing. My name is Chelsea, and I am nineteen. I just finished my first year at college, but I still have no idea what it is I want to do. I keep searching for something that I will enjoy, but will also be able to help others. I love music. I am awkward (which you might quickly learn just from my writing). I enjoy learning new things. Holding a conversation that challenges me and makes me think about things differently is a blast for me (50 bonus points if you can make me sweat from not being able to answer or for making me change my mind completely). Corny things can annoy me, but I cannot keep back an "Awww!" when I see a cute animal. Oh. I am a vegetarian. Finally, I don't talk a ton, but when I do, sometimes it's difficult to make me shut up... As you might be able to see from this.

And that is all. I think. I know it may seem not so great, and it might never get up to greatness level, but practice and criticism are the only ways to get good at anything. Right?

Anyways, I'm off for now. Thank you for reading this, and I hope you have a great day, evening, or night, Suh-weet Reader.

Gossip Chelsea

Wait... That's not right.


Simply Chelsea

(I'll work on that ending.)

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Valentine's Day Thank You (Warning: Corny and Long!)

This past year has been one of the most interesting years of my life (yes, I am counting from February 14, 2009 to February 14, 2010). This time last year, I was in my final semester of high school and eagerly awaiting graduation in June. Things were going well. Grades were fine. Classes were fine. Friends were amazing. And then June came, and I finally graduated. One of the biggest days of my life so far, of course, and it was spent with some of my closest friends. Summer passed. I had a temporary job for a few days. And then September rolled around, and I started college with one of my best friends. Once again, classes were fine. Friends were amazing. Then, in October, I added to my life when I joined, where I made some more amazing friends. Since October, things have, on a large scale, been about the same.
Over the year, though things have, overall, been great, there were some bumps in the road, and that is where you all came in for me. Those bumps, possibly surprisingly, had a bigger impact on my life than the giant Michigan potholes. Without the little or big things you have done for me, I really do not know how I would have been able to get through some things without completely losing my mind. Yes, I could have managed, but the burden would have been on my shoulders longer than necessary. And it is because of those things that I felt it necessary to write this. On Valentine’s Day.
See, people always seem to concentrate on the “fact” that Valentine’s Day is only about romantic, significant other love. But, really, in all honesty, it can be about all forms of love. Love for friends and family is just as important as love for a significant other, and that’s not acknowledged nearly enough in society, I think. So, I figured I would concentrate on that for this Valentine’s Day. I wasn’t sure how to do this, because it has never really been done around me before, but then this idea popped in my head. The idea to write a little blog/letter kind of thing for everyone. It’s probably unnecessarily long, but I have never claimed to be a professional, or even good, blogger or writer. Because of that, it actually scares me half to death to be writing this and posting it for people I care about to read, but I figure I can take the risk. You all can judge me as harshly as you want. You can just feel guilty about it later when you realize how much I love all of you. :)
First of all, I want to thank all my Twitter people. You probably have no idea how much I enjoy reading your random ideas, stupid things you did, or going to the insane links you post. Really, sometimes, those little things have gotten me through the day. Also, whenever someone @replies to me, it makes me feel like someone cares about what I have to say, which is always a nice feeling. So, though it may seem rather small to you, just know that everyone’s random tweets throughout the day or simple @replies to my non-sense jabber never fails to make my day slightly better.
Second, I want to thank all you musicians. I feel like I often take for granted the fact that you make music. In fact, I feel like I often take music for granted, and then I try to write my own, and I realize how much time and effort it can take. Therefore, I want to thank you. Whether I have listened to one of your songs or all of your songs, you have impacted my life in one way or another, probably without even realizing it. I may have told only some of you that your music has helped me get through, oh, let’s say, a Walmart parking lot or that your music has made my day a little better just from one listen, but, really, you all have helped me in some way. Having a tune to pick me up or a tune that helps me know that someone else feels or has felt the same way I do makes life loads more bearable. So, thank you for making music. I am eternally grateful to you.
Third, I want to thank everyone on T.M.A. Thank you to Mike and Jeff for creating it, too. Being in college can be difficult at times, but this website and the members of the website have helped me through some annoying and rough times. I always know that I have a place I can go to if I am in need of a pick-me-up. Each and every one of you is just far too awesome, and I always enjoy your company. It has also been through the inspiration from you that I have pushed my musical talents. Though I am still far from being performance worthy, my work ethic with music and skills on piano and guitar have improved because of all of you. Seeing how hard you work and where it has gotten you made me push to try and improve myself, and it feels good to think about how far I have come in this amount of time. I want to thank you many times for this.
Finally, the biggest (and possibly cheesiest and corniest) thank you goes out to the friends (which pretty much includes everyone mentioned above). Really, getting through this past year without each and every one of you would have been so much more difficult. Finishing high school was not easy when Senioritis (A.K.A. Mega Laziness) kicked in Freshman year and only got worse as the years went on until it was at its worst the final semester. Because of my times hanging out with or just texting you, I was able to manage through the work and finally graduate. You also helped me through the minor bumps of being annoyed as all heck with the stupidity that goes with attending G.B.H.S. by poking fun at it every once in a while, or even every freakin’ minute of the day. You made walking through those halls every day almost pleasant. Thank you for that.
After high school came summer and my temporary job working for the Buick Open. Luckily, I had the pleasure of working hour after hour making wraps and “salads” with close friends who entertained me with music and jokes. It made my feet hurt a little less. Just a little, though. Thank you for that.
And now there is college. My life in college has not been all that exciting, but I have gone through some major changes, whether or not some of you can tell. There were some slightly large pots in the road, but, with your help, I have bumped through them. Because of you, I was able to get through some painful things. With your jokes and understanding and patient talks, things did not seem quite so bad. Thank you for taking time to just listen, even though, I know, I got annoying with the repetitiveness of it all. Your patient natures made me feel less guilty for the burden I know I placed on you, but, because of it, I can guarantee you that I am better, and that is something for which I know I cannot repay. Some of you also did favors for me, and you know what they are. I know I have told you before how grateful I am for the help, but, because it is Valentine’s Day, I get a free pass to thank you again. You may not realize how much even the slightest gesture lifts me up, but I really do appreciate it and will try to find a way to make it up to you. Then there are also those who trust me enough to come to me with their problems. I know some of you worry that you are burdening me when you come to me, but, really, it means so much that you think I am worthy to listen to you and to try to help you. The fact that you trust me enough to let me in on your secrets means the world to me and makes me feel useful. Thank you. And, last, but certainly not least, I have also been going through my fight with my religious beliefs rather recently. I am still on my journey to figure out what I believe, but I want to thank all of you I have talked to for being there for me. It has definitely been one of the most frightening things I have gone through in my life, but you have helped me through it. From telling me that it is okay to be this unsure to just talking to me about different ideas to actually giving me material to watch or read, you truly have made this experience less terrifying than it was when I first started. I want to thank you from my heart for your tremendous amounts of help.
I know that this was long, but I had a lot to say, and I wanted to make sure I was able to say it all successfully and make sure that you all knew it came from my heart. I apologize for its length and level of corniness, but, due to the date it is being posted, I firmly believe that I get a free pass this one time. Thank you for actually taking the time to read this. I wish I had an amazing gift I was able to give to each and every one of you, but, due to the fact that many of you do not even live near me AND that I am a poor college student, this is all I am able to afford and do. However, please know that you all mean the world to me, and you really have made my life worth living through all the annoying and bad times. Thank you, from the deepest depths of my heart and soul, for everything you have done for me, big or small. I look forward to another year of friendship with you.

Oh, and, uh, Happy Valentine’s Day. :)

