Thursday, August 19, 2010

I Needz To Pick Your Brainz!

Hey, everyone!

So, I have a very specific purpose for this "entry." (Ooh! I know! How shocking!) In fact, it's so specific, that I don't really need to write much.

See, I am nearing my twentieth birthday (less than two months). This means the end of my teen years! I'm not really nervous or excited or anything, but I want to do something kind of big-ish for the heck of it.

Now, this is where YOU come in!

Lately, I have been wanting to get a tattoo. I was wondering if you guys had any suggestions, tips, etc. for someone who is new to this whole thing. My mom and stepdad have tattoos, but I want to hear what others have to say about it, too.

Also, if you have any other ideas for a big-ish horrah kind of thing (THAT ARE COMPLETELY LEGAL!), I would love to hear them.

So... SPILL! What do you think?! (Or don't spill if you don't want to. Whatevs.)

Thanks for any input.

Chelsea :)

P.S. As of right now, I am thinking of getting a tattoo of a claddagh in the wrist-forearm area on my left. I think something like that is a piece of art I wouldn't regret down the line. There are just problelms with a claddagh, because, according to some research I have done and from what my mom has told me, the way it faces can represent your "relationship status," so I'm hesitant to get it on my left arm facing out (it could mean I'm engaged... and/or make me look like I know nothing about the symbol or its history). So, if you have any ideas regarding that, then awesome. If not, that's awesome, too.


Spin said...

Chelsea...I've got 2 tats already, and I got my first when I was about your current age. My advice is to at least wait until you're done with college.

Even if you think you know what path you want to go down for your future (career wise), you never know how things will be 3-4 years from now. And right NOW is when you'll be going through A LOT of changes.

My first tat was barbwire around my forearm (I know...stupid & unoriginal). About 2 years after getting the tat I decided to become a teacher. Now some places won't care about their teachers having a little ink. But I have worked in a couple school in which I had to keep my ink covered at all times. Being that it was on my forearm....well lets just say that's not fun.

Some people will simply take you less seriously as a matter the field. So even if you do decide to go ahead with this (and I still say WAIT), get it someplace you can easily cover up....year round.

PS: An online of the great state of Ohio would make a great tat.

Sara Parsons said...

I am a strong proponent of tattoos :P I got one for my 18th birthday and I got another a couple summers ago. A lot of people grow up and complain about regretting their tattoos, but I like to think of it as a marker of a certain time in one's life that was obviously very significant at that point, so it's a good thing to have that constant reminder of how that thing made you feel at that time.
Claddaghs can either make a lovely tattoo or a really terrible one, so you have to do a lot of research and find a really good artist that you can trust. The symbol does carry a lot of weight and there are a lot of implications depending on the way it faces and its location. Claddaghs are also very detailed. The tattoo would have to be pretty small to fit on your forearm so it would be hard to get the detail in there; it could quickly end up looking like a blotchy blob. I would suggest getting it somewhere other than your arm because that would solve a lot of your problems right off the bat haha.
I have a tattoo on my ankle and one on my upper back between the shoulder blades. These locations are good because 1) they don't hurt very much (they hurt, but not as bad as you might expect) and 2) it is easy to cover them up in case you have some high-profile job interview, or if tattoos aren't allowed at your place of business (people are still really strict about this unfortunately).
All in all, though, that's just my stance on the whole thing. I really do love tattoos, and ultimately it is your body and your choice. :)

Bryce R. Jensen said...


Chelsea Delaney said...

Travis: The fact that you're from Ohio makes me doubt your advice a little, but I will take it into consideration nonetheless.:P Actually, you do bring up some important points, which I have thought about a little. My older sister has taught at high schools and colleges, but her tattoos are hidden, I think, so I might look into that more.

Sara: I hadn't thought about the spot being too small, but now that you say it, that does make sense. And the alternative spots you mentioned also make sense. So, thanks for that! (Seriously.) My mom has a claddagh that turned out looking really great and detailed, so if I go with that, I'll have her direct me to an artist that can pull that off well. (She knows quite a few artists around here.)

Bryce: It's a good thing I'm not pregnant and don't want kids! Haha. But it is good input for the future if I do somehow eventually get pregnant (which I'm hoping doesn't happen!). So, thanks. :)

Thanks for your input, everyone! It's been really helpful, and you have made the decision even more difficult. Which is good! :D