Saturday, July 3, 2010

Day 7 — Your Ex-boyfriend/girlfriend/love/crush

Good Saturday Night, Reader!

I hope you all have been enjoying your Independence Day weekend if you're from the United States. If you're not, well, I hope your weekend is going well.

Today was filled with working. My boss thought it was going to be a super busy day, but it was VERY slow for the majority of the time. Blech. That does mean, however, that I was able to get paid for doing little. WIN!

Anyways, tonight's theme is supposed to be my ex. Well, sorry to disappoint any juicy gossip seekers, but I don't have an ex-boyfriend, and I have never been in love. I HAVE had a few crushes in my day, though. Well, really, more than a few. I used to be quite "boy-crazy" when I was younger. -eye roll- So pathetic. I guess I could give you a sort of list starting from when I can remember. BUT I need to just give first initials, because most of these people have access to this because they're "friends" with me on Facebook, aaaaand some of them are slightly embarrassing. Haha.

1. 1st/2nd grade: Name started with a "T." He gave me a tiny apple eraser. I believe I still have it in an old photo album thing. To me, that tiny eraser meant a lot. I don't think I ever saw him again after that year.

2. 3rd grade: Name started with an "A." He was cute, smart, and played soccer. What more could I ask for? I think he went on to be one of the better soccer players at my school. Along with continuing to be rather good-looking.

3. (Short time in) 4th grade: "A" from 3rd grade and a new kid whose name started with a "C." I think "A" and "C" were possibly related somehow? Unless I totally made that up in my mind, which is never out of the question, because I made up a few stories for myself when I was younger. "C" also had the cute and smart thing going on, PLUS he wanted to play football. He went on to be one of the better football players in my class at my school (REALLY not saying much, though).

4. (Majority of) 4th grade and beginning part of 5th grade: His name started with a "G." He had the funny thing going on (seriously, this kid was hilarious) and the cool, spiked, frosted tip hair thing (YOU know what I'm talking about!). Plus, he and I were friends in 1st/2nd grade. We rode the bus together, I pushed him down the slide once (then I got put on The Wall*). We had great times. I ended up matching him up with one of my friends, though, because I thought they would be better together (this was 4th grade, people, keep that in mind). Gosh, I was awkward. We ended up not really talking again until my Junior year of high school, but even that wasn't talking. It was one conversation. In Chemistry. About squirrels vs. video games. Please, don't ask. I'm not sure what he's doing now. I know he's more hardc0re, so the spiked frosted hair thing is gone, but Facebook doesn't reveal any more than that little bit.

5. 5th grade until (good grief) 8th grade: His name started with an "R." Gosh, I really don't know why I liked this guy this long, but I did. I think it's due to the SERIOUS lack of good guys in G.B. He was one of the class clowns, and he continued to be so until, well, I'm sure he still is cracking the jokes at UofM. He was smart, funny, and did the sports thing, quite similar to some other guys from before. (I, obviously, had a type for a while.) I think he tried football for the school for a while, but ended up going with swimming. Maybe? I'm not sure. I didn't really keep up with him much after I lost interest. I do know that he became one of the more popular guys in my class, though.

6. 9th until 10th grade: His name started with a "T." Nope. Not the guy from 1st/2nd grade. I actually had the pleasure of working with this guy as a lab partner for the first semester of I.P.S. in 9th grade. To this day, if I saw him, I bet you anything the butterflies would return. He is quite the heartthrob. And I'm not afraid to admit it. He's tall, a swimmer, hilarious, smart, and played (or plays, I dunno) in a band. I'm not sure where he is now. I never requested to be friends with him on Facebook (I didn't get a Facebook until after 10th grade, and was, and still am, too scared to add him). But I think he ended up getting a scholarship of some sort for swimming somewhere. That was last I heard, at least, and that was in 11th grade? I'm sure he's doing well, though.
7. 11th until 12th grade: His name started with "B." He is actually the most difficult for me to talk about, and I kind of feel like shying away from this one more than all the others combined. Of all of the guys I liked, I think he was the only one who actually "liked" me back, so he was also the only one I was ever really close to being more than friends with. Actually, he's probably, in some ways, my first "REAL" crush. I mean, the other ones were the weird, creepy, awkward schoolgirl crushes of admiring from somewhat far away. He actually knew, though. Things never really worked out for us for various reasons. Half of it probably had to do something with the fact that he is the brother of one of my best friends. I know, I know. Kind of a big "NO" on that one. But there were other things, too. We still talk now and then, so we didn't totally cut the lines of communication when we realized a Relationship wasn't going to happen. As to what he is currently up to? Last time we talked, he was still in school in Ohio studying to go into massage therapy while working at Walmart. So, he's doing pretty well.

And that, Reader, is a list of all the more major crushes I can recall. I'm sorry to disappoint, once again.. Maybe one day something actually exciting will happen. -gasp- Believe me, it will be front page news of, well, my blog. Or my Twitter, of course!
I hope you have better luck than I have with your crushes/loves in the following time. And I hope you have a great night, 'cause I need to get to bed so I won't be a complete grouch for breakfast with my grandma tomorrow.


Today's Food: Work did not keep me from good food today! Hurray! I started off with eggs with cheese covered with ketchup (yes, I put ketchup on my eggs, shush), all on top of toast. I hate to toot my own horn, but I make pretty delicious eggs. I also had some of those peanut butter bar things again. Finally, my sisters were AWESOME and brought these up to work for me:

On the top is a completely vegetarian homemade pizza with feta cheese, squash, some other yummy...things. Oh my gosh, guys, it was AMAZING. And the perfect timing, too. I was hun-gry! Then, on the right, you see a cupcake. The frosting was the best part, as it should be. Nice and sugary. Yumm!

* The Wall was the place students were sent to if they misbehaved at all during recess. The level of embarrassment was through the roof if you were seen leaning on The Wall. You could be sent there for something as simple as running on the blacktop or woodchips (yes, those were against the school rules) or pushing someone down the slide, causing him/her to bump his/her head, even if it was definitely not supposed to be a mean push, but the playful push like before. Yeah, it's still eating me up a little after ten years.


Heatherr said...

I think you're missing a few at least. :P

Chelsea Delaney said...

@Heatherr Well, I was only going to talk about the more major ones. Talking about someone like "D" from Speech would have been pointless. Basically no story there. :P