Friday, July 2, 2010

Day 6: A Stranger?

Hello, Reader! Look! Two days in a row! (Don't worry. The consistent blogging won't last long. Just not the kind of gal I am.)

Anyways, today's blog is supposed to be about a stranger? Well, I mean, I guess the REAL project is to write letters, but I didn't like that, so I just changed it to being about the topic. That's just in case you didn't notice. -cough- Sorry. I'm a little tired again, and I didn't write a semi-draft like I usually do when I work and plan on writing a blog, so my mind is all scattered. It doesn't help that this * was going on in the tab next door to this particular draft. So, you know, my mind is ALL over the place.

Anyways, a stranger? Well, my mom said to never talk to strangers, but my job does mean I have to communicate with them daily, so there are a couple I can talk about, I think.

1. The first stranger is one of my least favorite customers yet. Well, actually, I guess, in a way, he's a favorite, because he gave me this wonderful story that seems to humor so many. So, first, for those of you who don't know, my summer job is at a putt-putt/batting cages/ice cream place. Yupp. I do it all. Superwoman. -shows (no) muscles- For this particular story, though, we're going to concentrate on the batting cages. See, to use the cages, you have to get tokens from a token machine that is in the window of the shack I sit in. Depending on what kind of bill you put into the machine, you get different deals on the number of tokens you receive ($1 gets you 1 token, $5 is 6 tokens, $10 is 13 tokens, and $20 is 28 tokens). Well, some people think you can just put in five one-dollar-bills and still get the six tokens, so I often have to remind customers that this is not possible. So, one day, this man comes, and asks for change to get the $10 deal. I told him that I am out of ten-dollar-bills, but he can put in two five-dollar-bills, and I will just give him an extra token. He looks at me for a second and says, "I don't think this will work." At first, I don't understand why he thinks this won't work, but I let him go ahead and do his thing while I pull out an extra token for him to make sure he gets his deal. He then says, "This isn't working. I knew it wouldn't work." At this point, I am beyond confused, so I look out the window, and I see that he is trying to put in two fives together (one on top of the other, because the machine takes one at a time) to get the ten-dollar deal. Even after I showed him that I was holding the extra token in my hand, it took him a while to register just what was going on. You guys, it took ever little muscle I had to not laugh at him and give him the "Are You REALLY Serious Right Now?" look. He is a stranger who will be impossible to forget, because I don't think I'll have someone try that stunt again. Or, good grief, I hope I don't.

2. The second stranger is a customer I actually really, genuinely liked a lot. She came up to the putt-putt place one afternoon and asked for a gift card of some sort. We really don't have gift cards, but I told her that I could make one up really quickly since only two of us work there. And so it was agreed. As I was making the "card," she was telling me about how she wanted to do this because her college sweetheart was coming into town, and she didn't want him to be able to pay for it. It had been quite a few years (she said she was fifty-six), and they were both divorced and on their first date with each other since college. Now, normally, I really wouldn't find this all that cute or whatever, but just the look of pure excitement and nervous-ness just made my heart leap. It truly was adorable. On top of that, she was just one of the kindest customers I had had with probably the best energy. Having her around for those few minutes just made me feel so much happier. She and her college sweetheart came back that night, and, seriously, they were just great together. They even tied on their putt-putt game! (Or so the man claimed. He may have moved some points around. Heehee.) It had been a rough day, but whenever she came around, it was just like a needle of pure happy energy popped all the bad energy bubbles, and it really made my day. There are some people you don't forget because they were just horrible to you, but I this woman will be difficult to forget because she was just so... wonderful. I really don't know how I would have made it through that day without her, and she kind of made me think about how possible it is to find someone, even if you had been separated for a while. It was just awesome to see.

And I know that's not much, but I do have to return to that job tomorrow for the whole day, and it's supposed to be our busiest weekend. This means more people like Customer One. It is also going on 1:30, so I need to relax with a little TV or something and try to get some sleep.

So, I will...

Wait! I almost forgot! I wanted to start a new "thing" for my blogs! I think everyday I write, I'm going to say what I ate at the very end. Because I love food. And I like talking about what I ate. You can skim over that part if you want, but I wanted to share it. I'm going to try to think of something music-y to do along with that, but I'm not sure yet.

So, now I will be going to bed. Have an awesome day/afternoon/evening/night/LIFE. And thank you for reading. Really. :)


Today's Food: Nothing much, because I was stuck at work. I started off with a bowl of Honey Bunches of Oats. Then I had some Reese's Peanut Butter Cups and Yoohoos**. Later was a peanut butter bar thingy. Finally, a VEGGIE CHICKEN PATTY FROM MORNING STAR with BBQ sauce. Gosh, I love those. Oh, add in a few Coke Zeros, too. Shush. I know I'm not healthy. (This section will, hopefully, be better on some days when I actually do something.)

*Sorry if it's blurry or difficult to read. I was having problems with it. =/

**My wacky sisters brought me this bag full of stuff for my something-something-something birthday, which included the Reese's and Yoohoos. -shrug- I'm not complaining.

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