This is going to be a sort of introduction entry.
I know that was an uberly lame introduction, and all my teachers would have marked this with an automatic "F" just for saying that, but at least any reader of this "blog" won't be disappointed if any lame-ness follows.
So, you see? I sort of had a plan.
Now that you have a taste of what kind of writing style you might be able to expect, I guess you might also like to know what you could expect on this page. I should probably know, too. But I don't really. Sure, I have a few ideas written out, but they're more things that I just want to rant about than anything that might actually be interesting to anyone. I live a rather dull life, in all honesty, which you also know if you follow me on Twitter or know me at all. My job gives me more than enough time to think, though, so ideas about things that annoy me come to mind frequently. I guess you could be expecting some rants, then. I might throw in a few personal things here and there. Who really knows?
Finally, a few things about me for those of you who don't know me but some how managed to find this blog-like thing. My name is Chelsea, and I am nineteen. I just finished my first year at college, but I still have no idea what it is I want to do. I keep searching for something that I will enjoy, but will also be able to help others. I love music. I am awkward (which you might quickly learn just from my writing). I enjoy learning new things. Holding a conversation that challenges me and makes me think about things differently is a blast for me (50 bonus points if you can make me sweat from not being able to answer or for making me change my mind completely). Corny things can annoy me, but I cannot keep back an "Awww!" when I see a cute animal. Oh. I am a vegetarian. Finally, I don't talk a ton, but when I do, sometimes it's difficult to make me shut up... As you might be able to see from this.
And that is all. I think. I know it may seem not so great, and it might never get up to greatness level, but practice and criticism are the only ways to get good at anything. Right?
Anyways, I'm off for now. Thank you for reading this, and I hope you have a great day, evening, or night, Suh-weet Reader.
Gossip Chelsea
Wait... That's not right.
Simply Chelsea
(I'll work on that ending.)
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